Cookie Cafe Runs 100% on Your Kind Donations

Support the Cafe:

For the last 2 years, the Chapel has been most generous in reimbursing specific costs to keep Cookie Café running. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk (LOTS of milk!), and lemonade as well as paper napkins, plates and the like. We are all extremely grateful that the Chapel funds were such a big part of making Cookie Café happen each week, and thank Captain Sias for his wonderful support. This year, Cookie Café will no longer be receiving any funding. It cost just over $5000 last year to provide beverages and paper goods for the 31 Cookie Café events that saw over 10,000 Midshipmen.

We couldn’t be more appreciative for the tremendous support that KP parents have provided with all their baking and shipping of cookies and such. It has been very exciting to see how the enthusiasm grows and grows each year! And we continue to rely on all those wonderful cookies!!!!  Yet, now we are faced with a major stumbling block in being able to continue with Cookie Café at all.

In addition to sending cookies (we still need the cookies!), we are asking if parents can donate $6-$10 per family for the entire year to keep Cookie Café running. The link above takes you to Paypal where you can make donations. These funds will be designated ONLY for the items that the Chapel fund had provided for Cookie Café, and nothing else. We would be most appreciative, and on behalf of the Midshipmen, we thank you all for this added support.

Cookie Café has become such an important day for the students at Kings Point, and it is all due to the love and support from parents who bake, parents who attend Cookie Café to help, and especially, the dedication that Gene and Carol Guest have in making it all happen.

Cookie Cafe is a non-profit organization and will provide you with a tax donation receipt. Thank you for your help.

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